Source code for graphalchemy.sqlmodels


    this module allows the creation of a few base classes to make it easier
    to work with SQLAlchemy in creating (directed/undirected) graphs and edges.

NOTE: If you feel the need to typecheck, it may be better to use basemodels.BaseEdge and
basemodels.BaseNode as types, since those will *always* be True for any
class created here.
    import sqlalchemy as sqla # Column, Integer, Unicode, Float, Boolean, ForeignKey
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("Must have SQLAlchemy installed to use sqlmodelss")
from basemodels import BaseEdge, BaseNode
import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative as decl # declared_attr
import sqlalchemy.orm as orm # relationship, backref
# overwrite a few extensions to use flask-sqlalchemy's model
import os

[docs]def sqlite_connect(dbpath, metadata, create_engine=sqla.create_engine, sessionmaker=orm.sessionmaker, event=sqla.event, echo=True, enforce_fk=True): """ return an sqllite connection to the given dbpath. Optional arguments default to sqlalchemy functions. Parameter: :param dbpath: path (relative or absolute) to database (unicode/string) NOT "sqlite://" :param metadata: something that supports create_all() to create/load tables and has a bind attribute :type metadata: should create tables with `create_all()` :type create_engine: function (dbpath) -> engine :param sessionmaker: (optional) must take `bind=engine`, return a class that can be called to create a session :type sessionamker: function (bind=engine) --> Session :param event: event creator for engine (from SQLAlchemy) :param bool enforce_fk: set database to enforce foreign key relationships :default enforce_fk: True Returns: :returns: (engine, session) :raises: ValueError if passed a path that does not exist or a non-valid path. """ if dbpath.startswith("sqlite://"): raise ValueError("Must give path, not sqlite connection string") if (not os.path.exists(dbpath)) or os.path.isdir(dbpath): raise ValueError("Path does not exist or is directory: %s." % dbpath) dbpath = os.path.abspath(dbpath) engine = create_engine("sqlite:///" + dbpath, echo=echo) def _fk_pragma_on_connect(dbapi_con, con_record): dbapi_con.execute('pragma foreign_keys=on') sqla.event.listen(engine, 'connect', _fk_pragma_on_connect) metadata.bind = engine metadata.create_all() Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() return engine, session
def class_to_tablename(class_str): """ converts `class_str` to a tablename, s.t. CamelCase --> camel_case """ def add_underscore(matchobj): match = return match[0] + "_" + match[1] # put an _ between every lowerUpper match, e.g.: # "aA" --> "a_A" # then convert everything to lower case # OR add underscores between double caps. import re match = re.compile("[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z][A-Z]") # need to do it twice because AAA --> "a_a_a") return re.sub(match, add_underscore, re.sub(match, add_underscore, class_str)).lower()
[docs]def create_base_classes( NodeClass, EdgeClass, NodeTable = None, EdgeTable = None, declared_attr = decl.declared_attr, Column = sqla.Column, Integer = sqla.Integer, Unicode = sqla.Unicode, Float = sqla.Float, Boolean = sqla.Boolean, ForeignKey = sqla.ForeignKey, relationship = orm.relationship, backref = orm.backref, Base = None ): """ creates base classes (BaseEdge and BaseNode) for use as mixins for graph nodes and edges. ALL parameters must be strings convertible to unicode! Classes need to be subclassed/composited with a declarative_base class Parameters: :param NodeTable: the table for node (unicode) :param NodeClass: the class for node (unicode) :param EdgeTable: the table for edge (unicode) :param EdgeClass: the class for edge (unicode) :param Base: (optional) if a Base is passed, it will be added to the class type for you, thereby requiring no subclassing on your part. :type Base: SQLAlchemy declarative base :returns: tuple of Node, Edge classes :rtype: (:class:`Node`, :class:`Edge`) NOTE: To overwrite the default inheritance, you can pass in any SQLAlchemy classes used in creating the functions:: declared_attr, Column, Unicode, Integer, Float, Boolean, relationship, backref, ForeignKey """ # store inputted locals if provided NodeTable = NodeTable or class_to_tablename(NodeClass) EdgeTable = EdgeTable or class_to_tablename(EdgeClass) fdict = dict(NodeClass=NodeClass, EdgeClass=EdgeClass) class Node(BaseNode): """ SQLAlchemy declarative base for a Node representation Implements the BaseNode ABC: {BaseNode}""".format(BaseNode=BaseNode.__doc__) @declared_attr def __tablename__(cls): return NodeTable id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) # gephi (req) size = Column(Integer) # gephi (optional) label = Column(Unicode) # gephi (optional) color = Column(Unicode(10)) class Edge(BaseEdge): """ SQLAlchemy declarative base for edge representation. Implements the BaseEdgeABC: {BaseEdge}""".format(BaseEdge=BaseEdge.__doc__) @declared_attr def __tablename__(self): return EdgeTable id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) size = Column(Integer) # gephi (optional) label = Column(Unicode) # gephi (optional) weight = Column(Float) # gephi (optional) color = Column(Unicode(10)) directed = Column(Boolean) # choices are 0, 1 @declared_attr def source_id(self): return Column(Integer, ForeignKey(NodeTable + ".id"), nullable=False) @declared_attr def target_id(self): return Column(Integer, ForeignKey(NodeTable + ".id"), nullable=False) @declared_attr def source(self): return relationship(NodeClass, primaryjoin="{NodeClass}.id == {EdgeClass}.source_id".format(**fdict), uselist=False, backref=backref("out_edges")) @declared_attr def target(self): return relationship(NodeClass, primaryjoin="{NodeClass}.id == {EdgeClass}.target_id".format(**fdict), uselist=False, backref=backref("in_edges")) # if given a base class then return a fully functional class if Base: Node = type(NodeClass, (Node, Base), {}) Edge = type(EdgeClass, (Edge, Base), {}) return Node, Edge
[docs]def create_flask_classes( db, NodeClass, EdgeClass, NodeTable = None, EdgeTable = None, ): """ Convenience method for creating Node and Edge base classes for use with :mod:`Flask-SQLAlchemy`. Has nearly the same signature as :meth:`create_base_classes` But does not take in any overriding methods. Only NodeClass and EdgeClass are required. The one required parameter is `db`, which you must create first from the sqlalchemy directions. Example usage: >>> from flask import Flask >>> from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy >>> from graphalchemy.sqlmodelss import create_flask_classes >>> >>> app = Flask(__name__) >>> app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:////tmp/test.db' >>> db = SQLAlchemy(app) >>> >>> Node, Edge = create_flask_classes(db, "Node", "Edge") At this point, you can subclass `Node` and `Edge` to add additional traits; however, both `Node` and `Edge` will *already* be subclasses of db.Model, so you don't need to mix that in. Or you can just start up your database with: >>> db.create_all() Otherwise, the classes created by :meth:`create_flask_classes` and :meth:`create_base_classes` are pretty much the same, except that :mod:`Flask-SQLAlchemy` provides some additional features that can be accessed on the Models. """ return create_base_classes( NodeClass = NodeClass, EdgeClass = EdgeClass, NodeTable = NodeTable, EdgeTable = EdgeTable, declared_attr = db.declared_attr, Column = db.Column, Integer = db.Integer, Unicode = db.Unicode, Float = db.Float, Boolean = db.Boolean, ForeignKey = db.ForeignKey, relationship = db.relationship, backref = db.backref, Base = db.Model)